
Friday, July 19, 2019

Revival In Pictures - Tent Revival MIddletown, Ohio

I think every post this week has been about tent revival, but that is what is going on in our lives so I suppose that is what you get on Mile Markers. I hope you are enjoying it, because we are enjoying the fire out of it!

We are busy gearing up for the last night of tent revival in Middletown, Ohio tonight. There is always extra work the last day. After we load the sound equipment from the trailer into the tent, I will lower the lift in the trailer and unload a bunch of the things that need to be in place for the tent to come down properly. Then I will arrange the trailer so that everything can be inserted easily.

If all goes well, about an hour and 30 minutes after we say "Amen" tonight, the tent will be down, the trailer will be loaded and everything will be strapped and locked up tight. I probably will not leave tonight. There are too many obstacles in the way to try that in the dark. I will do it in the daylight Saturday.

Odie has been busy taking pictures each night. She has a bunch of pictures ready so this is Revival In Pictures, Tent Revival edition. We have had a wide variety of visitors and she has done a good job of getting proof.

You will see that we had to have the back wall put up a night or two, but we have been spared rain during the services for the most part. None of the other walls had to go up. When it is raining or threatening rain, we need the back wall up in order to protect all of the sound equipment and instruments.

The position of the walls changes so much under the tent. They change the sound, the airflow and block people from seeing in if all the walls have to be up. We are very glad when we can leave it all open.

Thank you for dropping by today. Here is the Middletown Tent Revival In Pictures. You still have one more night to see it for yourself.


Pastor Kevin Allen and Davy

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