
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sis. Evelyn Eason

I am late getting Odie's post up today. Davy

Hey Friends,

Hello this is Odie reporting in from the road. This has been a week packed with revival, travel and fun. I need to read the blog to catch up on the week for myself. 😀 

We will be traveling to Oklahoma over the next few days. Revival begins Tuesday and runs thru Friday night. We are looking forward to a great time with Pastor Brent Moore and the congregation at Ardmore Holiness Church.

Recently one of our dearest friends finished her earthly race. She ran a long race of 94 years! We were honored to call Sis. Evelyn Eason and her late husband, Bro. Jimmy Eason our friends! I am grateful for the privilege of knowing this jewel of a lady. 

Sis. Eason left this world for her Heavenly home! I am thankful that she has achieved her one goal in life of making it to Heaven. She was a prayer warrior that knew her strength came from God. 

In Heaven she was reunited with her husband of over 60 years. I know Bro. Jim and Sis. Evelyn Eason are so glad to be together again. Bro. Eason went to Heaven 10 years ago. They also are with 2 of their 4 children and I believe they are having a grand reunion.

Sis. Eason was a faithful member of Beechfork Holiness Church. She was there every time doors opened until her health failed. She was a  big encouragement in the services. 

The picture below shows her in her seat ready for a wonderful church service. 

The loss of Sis. Eason on earth leaves a gaping hole in the Eason family and The Beechfork Holiness Church family. She will be deeply missed by many! Please join me in praying for them.

Sis Eason had a favorite song that we sang, The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power. We were thrilled to sing it for her many timesShe was happy to be saved by the blood of Jesus and she never lost the wonder of the amazing power of the Blood!

Our last time to be in service with Sis. Eason was on Easter Sunday in 2018. She was excited to be at church! We were so glad to see our dear friend one more time.

Sis. Eason, we love you so very much! Thank you for your friendship to our family. You have been a Godly example to all of us! Your legacy will not be forgotten. We will see you someday soon!

I was thinking about Sis. Eason and I remembered a song sang by Jeff and Sheri Easter. The song is titled She Loved. I think the song fits Sis. Eason perfectly. She loved everyone with all of her heart. I will close with the song lyrics in memory of Sis. Eason. Click here for a video of Jeff and Sheri Easter performing She Loved. Thanks for reading today.


She Loved
Written by Sheri Easter

Someone once asked 
If only you knew 
How short life would be 
What would you do
What would they say 
When God called you home
What would they engrave 
Once you were gone

 I hope they would see 
What I've done in my life 
Who I've cared for 
And how I survived
I hope they'd say 

 She loved more than anything else
 She loved with all of her heart
 She loved everyone she believed in 
She loved...oh she loved 

 She loved the Lord 
And served all her life 
A sacrificial mother
And an honorable wife 
She gave all she had 
And through every trial 
Made life much sweeter 
Because of her smile 

 Everyone will see 
What she's done in her life 
Who she cared for 
And how she survived 
I'm sure they'd say 

She loved more than anything else 
She loved with all of her heart 
She loved everyone she believed in 
She loved...oh she loved 

She loved...everyone she believed in 
She loved..oh she loved 
Oh... she loved

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