
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas 2018

We had a wonderful family Christmas celebration with the Morgan bunch last night. Later today we will celebrate with the Boggs portion of our family. Kelly Jo, Odie and I are incredibly blessed in the family department and we are thankful for that special blessing. 

We come from loving, functional, Christian families. All of our parents are still living, all our siblings are living and we all get along.

In fact, both of our familes not only get along within the family, but the two families get along splendidly. The Boggs family and the Morgan family can get together and you can not tell them apart. Well, the Boggs' might eat more, but you know what I mean.

The love, the camaraderie, the laughter, the genuine appreciation for each other in our family makes for great memories and a truckload of joy when we get together to celebrate Christmas. We loved being with the Morgans last night and we anticipate much happiness with all of the Boggs today. We are particularly and purposefully thankful for this.

I know that for some, Christmas is a difficult season of the year. Some families are separated by death. Some families are affected by sickness, military servce, job relocations, past events, conflict or a thousand other things. Some families are partially or completely dysfunctional because of sin, addictions, anger and even hate.

That can make a family centered holiday like Christmas awkward, uncomfortable and downright depressing. Real life is hard. Pain is tangible. Depression and despair are suffocating. Christmas magnifies all of that by unbelievable proportions.

Let us take time in the midst of our joy to remember to pray for individuals and families that do not feel the joy because of some darkness in their life either seen or unseen. Let us do more than pray. Reach out to someone. Send a text. Make a call. Bake a pie. Extend a hand. Offer a hug. Spend a little time.

You and I may have the opportunity to be the difference between a holiday that is unbearable and a Christmas that is survivable, tolerable and maybe even Merry.


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