
Friday, December 14, 2018

A Couple of Days At Home

Wednesday and Thursday flew by with us getting in the groove of being home and getting stuff done. The barn, the bus and Odie's house have been keeping me busy and Kelly Jo is trying to unpack, wash, reorganize and generally put life back together in the bus. We are not finished yet, but we are closer.

Kelly Jo and I had some business to take care of in Dayton Thursday morning. We did squeeze in a little trip to Acapulco at lunchtime Thursday. That is what I am talking about!

Of course, we had to swing by and get Odie before going to drink some salsa.

Thursday night was our first service to be at our home church since we arrived in Ohio. I was hoping to hear Bro. Bennie preach, but he called earlier in the day to make sure I would be ready to go.

I did not feel ready, but I gave it my best shot. I do love preaching at our home church. They always act like I preached great whether I do or not. It was wonderful to be home and to be in church with our brothers and sisters. The saints at Dryden Rd. have been with us through thick and thin and we love them much.

Odie was sitting on the platform and forgot to take her phone with her. That means she only took one picture and it was taken after church.

Sis. July Lee and Kelly Jo

Today looks like more of the same for both of us. I have the internet company coming to Odie's house this morning and we hope to have that up and running soon.

Thank you for stopping in today. Christmas will be upon us soon. Are you ready?



  1. Davy, mighty nice seeing Odie with You & Kelly again.
    Thank God for everything !~!, YO_Frankie.

    Frankie Shiflett


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