
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Rebecca Blankenship - A True Friend

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from the road. I hope you had a good week. We had a fabulous week in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It was wonderful to be with Pastor Jeremy Brooks and our friends at Landmark Holiness Tabernacle. From the start of the revival God met us in a sweet way. 

Today the BoggsMobile will be taking us to Wichita, Kansas. We are anticipating a great revival at Bethany Revival Center beginning tomorrow. We always have a fantastic time with Pastors John and Judy DiZazzo. Revival is scheduled for Sunday-Sunday. There will not be a service on Saturday night. Please join us for revival if you are in the area. 

Our family is truly blessed with awesome friends. We have met thousands of people in our travels and we always love making new friends. Some acquaintances become true lifelong friends. I enjoy looking back over the years and seeing how God has brought people into our path at just the right times. God’s handiwork truly amazes me. 

Friendship is a true gift that I treasure. A true friend is someone you can count on at all times. They are your friends in the good times and bad. They will laugh and rejoice with in the happy times, but will also be there in the bad times when things are sad. I want to purpose to be a true friend. I am blessed with several true friends and I am so thankful!

Over the last several weeks we have had opportunity to see many of those longtime friends. Some of which we do not cross paths with often. It brightens my day to see them!

My friend Rebecca Blankenship is no stranger to the blog. I have mentioned her and her family often in the past. We have known each other more years than we want to admit. I first remember her when I was 4 years old, she was Rebecca Landress then.

I guess we started out as playmates and then our parents were good friends. So over the years our friendship grew closer. As a teenager I needed someone and Becca was there. I will forever be grateful for her during a huge transition in my life. I remember one day we were just listening to music and laughing and enjoying life. I remember thinking this is the breath of fresh air I needed. Since that day we have made countless memories! We have laughed a ton. 

Life changed for her when Jeffery Blankenship came along. I remember the first time I heard about Jeffery, he was a “day dream” to hear Rebecca tell it. That nightmare dream became a reality. Their life as husband and wife began in September of 2004. I had the privilege of having a front row seat. I gained another friend that day. 

It has been a joy to see them become who they are today. They are now in the ministry. Their family grew to include Madelyn and Andrea. They are two of the sweetest young ladies. I can not believe they are growing up!

I was so happy last week to see the Blankenship Family. It made me thankful once again to call them my friends. Miles often separate us more than we would like and our time together is way to short. 

Life has not always been good times and laughter for either of us. There has been lots of laughter, but there has been times of uncertainty and tears. I am glad even in the times of separation, when we wanted to be together, I knew I had a friend. I am thankful for every catch up text message or phone call. We have tried to be there to pray and encourage each other. 

Rebecca Blankenship, you have been a really true friend to me. There is not a way possible for me to express my gratitude properly. I just wanted to take a moment to publicly say thanks for being my friend. I love you so much!

Thank you for visiting us here today. Let me encourage you to reach out to someone in friendship. You will never know the impact your friendship can have on someone else. 


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