
Saturday, March 10, 2018

See You Soon Papaw Bill

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from home. We had to come to Ohio this week unexpectedly but it is good to be here. I was excited to see the progress on the house that is being built for me to live in. Pictures are awesome but it is super exciting to see everything first hand.

Dad has told you the reason for this trip back to Ohio. We had to bid farewell to a saint of God. Bro. Bill Houston was an amazing man of God. His ministry touched countless people through the years. Bro. Bill and Sis. Darien influenced our family greatly. 

I can not fathom the heartache of Mamaw Darien and their family. Please keep them in your prayers. 

Bro. Bill always had a smile on his face. He loved to laugh and make others laugh. He was a lot of fun to be around. His number one goal was sharing the love of God and he did his job well. 

One of my many memories of Papaw Bill happened when I was four years old. It happened at campmeeting in Georgia. I remember feeling God move on me while the people were praying for my healing. It was one of the first times I remember realizing God was touching me. Papaw Bill was one of the ones praying for me and I tried walking to him that night. He was always my encourager and cheerleader. 

I will always be thankful for the impact that Bro. Bill had on my life spiritually. He encouraged me to keep believing and praying for my miracle. He reminded me to never give up. Many times he told me, "Do not say if it happens but say when it happens."

I had the privilege of knowing Bro. Bill Houston as, Papaw Bill. Papaw Bill and Mamaw Darien adopted me before they had grandchildren. We shared a special bond that I will forever cherish. 

Papaw loved to tell this story about me. I was 6 years old when his daughter Stephanie was expecting her first baby and she told me that I was no longer the #1 grandchild. Well, Papaw informed me that I would not lose my #1 status. So each time I had Stephanie’s attention and I would hold my finger up telling her that I was still #1. ☝🏻Papaw Bill got the biggest kick out of that. 😀

This all does not seem true that Papaw is gone. I heard preach and sing about Heaven so many times. He made you feel as if you were almost there. Last week He reached that wonderful place. For Papaw Bill there is no more dreaming about Heaven. To him it is now a reality. 

I have tried to write a fitting tribute to Papaw! All of my words just feel hollow. It was an honor to know him. Below is a note from my heart. 

Thank you for stopping by today. It is always good to have you visit with us. 


Papaw Bill, 
I can not believe we had to say goodbye to your earthly shell. I am still trying to accept the fact that you have left this world for Heaven. I am thankful that you will suffer no more. You fought the fight and now you have finished your race

I was blessed to have had you in my life and every day I find another way that you impacted me. Thank you for allowing me to be your #1 granddaughter. I will always love you. 

Heaven is sweeter with you there!  I plan to see you soon! I know you are enjoying Heaven and I am anticipating enjoying it with you. We will run a race on streets of Gold!

Love your☝🏻granddaughter

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