
Friday, October 6, 2017

Very Special Visitors!

Thursday was another big day working on the house, plus I had to be at the wedding rehearsal next door at 6:00. It was busy and we seemed to get quite a bit accomplished surprisingly.

But the best part of the day was a visit from dear friends. Bro. Kevin and Sis. Teresa Webster have been preaching a revival in Dayton and closed last night. They were on their way out of town and stopped to see the house and visit! We love these people and we were thrilled to see them.

We have loved Bro. Kevin and Sis. Teresa for many, many years and we have tons of good memories with them. They spent time in our house in Ohio back in the 90's during revivals, preached revivals for us in Wichita and we have preached several revivals in their home church.

We have also attended each other's revivals across the country and we have enjoyed a number of good campmeetings together. They are always the same where ever we see them. We do not talk every day and sometimes we go months between face to face visits, but it is like we have never spent a day apart when we are together. I love that about them.

They are both super musicians and some of the friendliest people we have ever been around. It seems we do not get to see them near enough the last few years and we appreciate them taking time to stop in.

Did I mention they came right at lunch time? Oh yes they did! We loaded up in the Green Machine and pointed it for Acapulco. I did not even ask them what they wanted to eat and did not think of it until we were walking in the door.😇 It is a good thing they like Mexican food and are gracious people!

Thank God for good friends and my God bless them for thinking of us and giving a couple of hours to us yesterday! I was a blessing to us!

Thank you for reading.


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