
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Odie Has A New Bill

Odie has a new bill and it is exciting!

As we neared the beginning of construction last spring, we had a few choices on what to do for temporary electric. We could buy a temporary pole, pay to have the pole hooked up and then pay the monthly electric bill. We could use a generator to power the whole project. OR we could buy some heavy duty cord and run power from the barn. We already pay an electric bill for the barn.

That is what we decided to do. We already have a bunch of 50 amp cord so we bought some more. My Dad fixed one of them with 8 receptacles on the end and we used those receptacles to power the tools and lights in the house all summer long. 

We will use those cords for the bus and tent revival in the future. Plus we saved all the money we would have spent on the temporary service. It worked really great.

I posted this picture a couple of weeks ago of the meter base ready to go.

Yesterday Duke Energy arrived to run the wires and hook up the service.

Then they set the meter and the juice was ready to flow. My Dad sent me a picture of the meter at 000000!

I am sure it will not stay on 000000 for long and Odie will have a new bill to pay. Bills are not exciting but it is very exciting to have permanent power to the house! Woo-hoo!

That is all for today.



  1. Sis Odie electricity is GREAT heat and air out weigh the bill....Love you girl

    1. Thanks my friend. Love you, Bro. Larry.

  2. Sister Odie,

    I wish that the only bills you had were green with Salmon P. Chase's picture on them (the $10,000 bill)!

    But... Don't ever get discouraged, because even the birds have bills.

    Congratulations on getting "power in the plug(s)"!!

    Brother Ray

    1. Thank you, Bro. Ray. You made me 😀.


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