
Friday, September 22, 2017

Richton, Mississippi - Revival In Pictures

We are getting back into the swing of things on the road. It is nice to settle into a "routine". Part of our routine is the weekly Revival In Pictures post. We love posting pictures from revivals and they have proven to be some of our more popular posts. 

It is a small world after all and we often hear from people in far flung places that recognize folks in the pictures. It is interesting to learn of connections between churches and people that we never dreamed about.

The folks here in Richton have been having revival and it has been a joy for us to join in with them. We sure appreciate Pastor Scott Morris and his family and all of his great folks for having us. May God bless them every one.

Without further delay, here is the Revival In Pictures from First Assembly, Richton, Mississippi.

Thanks for reading today.


We love their beautiful church!

It has been quite warm this week.

It felt like 118 in Wilmer where we are going next week.


  1. Odie, hey sweetie, sorry we didn't make it got in the way...going to try to head to wilmer tomorrow night...miss more visit time...

  2. Penny,
    It was great to see you last Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.

  3. It was great to see good friends and have great services as always..Praying God will give you great services in Mobile..Love y'all

    1. Thank you, Bro. Larry! We sure appreciate our friends making special trips to be with us in revival. We really enjoyed getting to be in church with you and visiting with you. May God bless you, friend.


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