
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Working On A Building and Revival!

We have had two nights of wonderful revival at Pentecostal Faith Church in New Miami, Ohio. The church is better known as Cain Avenue. Pastor Steven Allen invited us to be with them this week and we are so glad to do it. It has been 28+ years since we have been there and we had often wondered about some of the people.

We have spent so many years in other parts of the county that it has been easy to lose track of folks we have known for years. It has been a joy to get reacquainted. It did not take long to slip right into gear.

The first night of revival felt like home and God blessed in the altar service. We had very near 100% participation in the altar Monday night and we did have 100% Tuesday night. God spoke to some specific needs and I did not have a clue. I love when He does that. He loves folks and constantly proves it to us!

We will be there through the weekend and we are excited to see what else is in store. We would love to have you join us if it is possible. The address is 30 Cain Ave. It is located in New Miami but it comes up on my Google Maps as Hamilton, since it is on the North end of Hamilton.

House Pictures

We are about to get behind on posting pictures from the progress of the house construction. I have pictures from several days past so here they are.

Dad and I were both up on ladders so Odie pulled the wires to the proper length for the panel. She is putting in some "sweat equity".

My gloves were giving a helping hand.

Kelly Jo has been working hard.

Who needs a fancy wire wagon? All we need is a sturdy ladder, a rake and a hoe!

The plumbers had to saw and jack hammer some concrete due to some "missed" drains and water lines.

Here are a few pictures showing Dad's nice, neat work on the electrical.

I will post more pictures of the electrical when it is finished.

Duke Energy replaced a power pole across the street Tuesday and then set a new one on our side of the street Wednesday. There are too many houses on our transformer so they are rearranging things. Our barn power has voltages all over the map and hopefully this will fix that. The pole on our side is for the new house.

I think that catches us up. Thank you for reading today.


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