
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

City Reach Richton

Last night the service at Dodds was tremendous. We were blessed with friends and fellowship but much more importantly we were blessed with the presence of God in the house. I can hardly wait to see what happens tonight!

City Reach Richton

Hopefully we will be on the road in a few days on our way south to Richton, Mississippi for City Reach. Richton is not a major metropolitan area or even a large city but it is the place that the vision for City Reach was birthed in my heart. Pastor Scott Morris and his church erected a tent and had a tent revival in the city park in 2010. In 2011 we were doing our first complete summer of tent revivals and Bro. Scott invited us to be a part of theirs.

We showed up that fall with great hopes for revival. Those hopes were generated partly because we were working with folks that wanted revival and partly because we had experienced an absolutely wonderful summer of tent revivals in several states. Our faith was high that God was going to move.

And He Did Move!

Before the meeting was over Bro. Scott was figuring out dates for the next year and we were locking it in to our schedule. I had already decided to purchase a more durable and larger tent and by the time we rolled in there in 2012 the Blue and White Gospel Tent had already been the site of revival in a bunch of places. We had another great move of God that year and we have been back every year since.

It was evident from the first meeting that God was doing something special for the people of Richton And in our hearts. The meeting is sponsored completely by First Assembly in Richton and they do 99% of the work that needs to be completed, but other churches starting coming and taking part. The community began to look forward to the tent revival in the park. We even had people that were not a part of any church telling us they anticipated the tent revival every year.

God was working in a way that was bigger than one church and bigger than one evangelist. It seemed that God was taking all of our efforts and adding something we could not produce on our own. It was amazing to watch God bring it all together. 

I began to see the possibility that  God might duplicate that in larger cities. I shared that vision with Bro. Scott and he and his church jumped on board that instant. As I shared that vision in revivals across the nation I received the same encouragement.

We prayed. We preached. We prepared. We saved resources. And over the last 12 months we have reaped the harvest in City Reach. God birthed it in my heart. We made ourselves available. Bro. Jimmie Racliffe has added his all. Churches have pushed the effort. individuals have prayed and given. You have worked hard. People all over the nation have helped bring this to pass.

And God has given the increase!

Numerous folks that had never been inside the local churches have been saved. People have been encouraged and healed. We have testimonies of lives being completely changed. Churches and other ministries have been inspired to be the hands of Christ and are reaching for the lost and hurting in meaningful ways long after we are gone.

It almost seems like a dream. A good dream for a change! It some sense it seems as if I have watched it unfold and I was only along for the ride. What a ride it has been!

We are down to two more City Reach campaigns this year. As I mentioned, Richton is next. The church and Pastor that helped birth my vision and in many ways made the fulfillment of the vision possible will begin on October 3rd. I am anticipating the best City Reach yet!

I am believing God to saturate Richton, Mississippi with His power and presence in unprecedented ways. I believe God is going to bring the blessing they have sent around the USA back home to them. I believe that God is going to save. I believe that God is going to heal. I believe that God is going to deliver. And I believe God is going to do it in a big way!

Join with us in prayer. Join with us in person if you can. There is no telling what God will do! I and trusting God to change the spiritual climate in Richton, Mississippi!

Thank you for reading.


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