
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Exciting Week Ahead

Hey, happy Saturday Friends! This is Odie checking in from New York. It has been great to be back here. It was good to visit Brooklyn Tabernacle on Tuesday night. We enjoyed it very much.

Wednesday we visited the 911 Memorial and Museum again. We toured it back in 2014 shortly after the museum opened. It was overwhelming then and was still overwhelming emotionally this visit. September 11th, 2001 was an awful day and I will never forget the terrible feelings of that day. If you are planning a trip to New York City, this is a must see. Be sure to keep the tissues handy. 


We are enjoying a great weekend with Pastor Sunny Philip. It is our pleasure to be here in Valley Stream at Gateway Christian Center! It it wonderful to see friends we met on our trip here in February and I love making new friends!

This coming week is a special week that I look forward to all year. It is Indoor Fellowship Meeting time at our home church, Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. 

It all begins Tuesday evening, August 23rd at 7:00. It goes through Friday the 26th. Wednesday-Friday the services will be morning service at 10:00, youth service at 6:00 and evening service at 7:00. It is all happening at 3201 Dryden Rd, Moraine (Dayton), Ohio.


Bro. Dwain Galiher is the scheduled morning speaker.


Bro Randy Webb is the scheduled night speaker.


Both preachers are wonderful men of God and they are Dryden Road Pentecostal Church favorites. I am looking forward to a wonderful week. You still have a chance to join us. It would be wonderful to have you at campmeeting with us. For more information visit the Dryden Road Pentecosal Church website

Visiting ministers will be preaching too. We will have pictures and campmeeting reports all week starting with Wednesday's post.

Thank you for reading! I look forward to seeing you this week. If you come to service please make sure you find us and let us know you are a blog reader. 



  1. I just got reading the blogs all the way from 2009 and I didn't realize how much I had missed lol were praying for you here in ky

    1. That is a lot of reading or maybe just looking at pictures. Lol!
      Glad to have you along for the ride.

  2. Hey.. I am thinking about attending Dryden Road Campmeeting.. Is there a Stein Mart anywhere close!? Looking forward to seeing you guys. Sis. G

    1. Yes, there is a Steinmart and I would be glad to accompany you there. We may even find some health food at Trader Joe's! I encourage you to come to the meeting. I hear the day service speaker's wife is awesome!
      Kelly Jo

  3. Oh yes.. Trader Joe's I am fresh out of Sea Weed chips!!EWWWW Sis. G

    1. Maybe they will have some new Sea Weed flavors for you this year!


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