
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Prayer For Safety

I debated back and forth whether or not I should post this. There are several tragic news events each week that merit attention that I never mention here. However, this one hits close to home.

As I laid down last night I was horrified when I looked at my phone and saw the story of the bus crash in California that killed at least five people. At least five families lost their loved ones and many more are terribly injured. The events of a few seconds changed many lives forever. It happened on Hwy 99 very close to all our friends in Atwater, California.

We travel Hwy 99 every time we are in the state. It is one of my least favorite stretches of road. It has been improved tremendously the last several years but it feels so unsafe to me as I drive it. I comment on it to Kelly Jo every time we drive 99. The section where this accident occurred is not bad at all and they have not yet determined what caused the crash but I immediately was sick to my stomach when I read the headlines and saw the pictures.

Please pray for these folks and their families and pray for our safety on the road as well. This is why I continually ask folks to pray for us. One blown tire, or debris in the road, or reckless driver of another vehicle or an inattentive moment on my part and that could be us. No, that is not a pleasant thought but it is a reality worth taking seriously and praying about.

Thanks for reading.


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