
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A BoggsMobile Project - Fog Light Change

Monday I tackled a BoggsMobile project that was way overdue. The bus came with PIAA fog lights when we bought it seven years ago. As far as I know they were original and the driver's side lens was cracked when we bought it. It has had pieces missing from the lens for quite a while and the passenger side is cracked now too. Like I said, it was long overdue.

The PIAA lights work well and you can turn them on as white or yellow. They not only work well but they are also very expensive. I could replace the lenses but they are pricey too and the lights would still be over 20 years old.

I decided on the Rigid spot/flood combo LED lights and ordered them from Amazon.

I had to order a u shaped cradle for the light so I could mount it correctly.

The PIAA lights mounted with one bolt. I could have mounted the new light with one hole but the old hole was too high anyway. I figured I might as well drill two holes for each lights so the cradle could be mounted more securely. 

The front bumper has a hinge on the bottom and it folds down so you have access behind it. I moved the windshield wiper tank to keep from drilling into it and to give me a little more room to work.

Here is the finished product.

It is very dark here so I turned the lights on about 10:00. This picture is just the headlights. You can see how dim the old Ford headlights are even when it is very dark.

This is just the new LED fog lights. Wow! What a difference but I may need to adjust then downward a little.

This is the head lights and the new LED fog lights.

Thanks for reading.


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