
Monday, March 9, 2015

A Weekend of Rest in Richton

Out of ten weeks of revival on this tour so far we have ended four of them on Wednesday. Three of those four were the length requested by the Pastor and the fourth I scheduled that way. Closing on Wednesday gives us a chance to catch our breath, accept invitations to preach other places on Thursday and Friday OR to travel long distances. Two of the four short weeks this year have been spent traveling and preaching and the other two have been put to good use resting.

We only had to travel 130 miles and we did that Wednesday night so this has been a resting break. We have really enjoyed the last few days in Richton. It has been a pretty good mix of rest, fellowship with great friends, great food and preparation for future meetings and revivals. I am not that good at scheduling time for us to rest and recharge and when we are off I am pretty good at filling up our off time with "things" and "stuff" to do. I did a little better this week.

Kelly Jo and I did as much of nothing as we could Thursday evening and sprinkled in some good doses of nothing during the day Friday and Saturday. I did have some work to get the tent trailer ready to ride (It has spent the winter here at Richton) but nothing too strenuous. I plan to finish that up this morning

We had several meals and lots of fellowship with Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim and the girls. They have been so kind to us and they work hard at making us feel right at home. We sure appreciate their hospitality and friendship. I am hoping they come to Ohio later this year and give us a chance to make a small dent in our deep friendship debt to them. They are great folks and dear friends.

As Odie mentioned Saturday we went to the Wild Game Supper at Ellisville Friday night. There are pictures of that below. It was super!

The services yesterday at Richton were super great. God blessed and helped tremendously Sunday morning and Sunday night. These folks were pulling the preaching out of me Sunday morning and we really enjoyed singing Sunday night. We have really been in a bunch of good revivals and church services this year and we are very thankful for it. Praise God for His faithfulness.

We are looking forward to being back in Richton in this fall for tent revival. We are planning to have tent revival September 18-25, Friday through Friday. It is going to be awesome! We will have the new section of tent then, by God's grace and we are planning to set up the whole thing. It will be about 48 x 92.

We are planning to drive the BoggsMobile and the tent trailer to Allentown this morning and then go to Cedar Creek for Monday night Fellowship meeting tonight if all goes as planned.

I hope you enjoy our pictures from the weekend. We have a bunch of them for you.


Bro. Scott tying to help me get phone signal!

Lunch Friday

Wild Game Supper Friday night in Ellisville, Mississippi.

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