
Monday, August 25, 2014

First Night of Tent Revival In London, Kentucky

We had a great service Sunday morning inside the church here at Liberty Pentecostal Tabernacle near London, Kentucky. Pastor Lester Carpenter is a great man and has had a huge influence on our lives through the years. It is an honor to preach in his pulpit.

Bro. and Sis. Carpenter took us to lunch at the original Kentucky Fried Chicken. Wow! It was good! I had some of the best chicken that I have every sunk my teeth in. Thanks, Colonel. 

We started revival under the Blue and White Gospel Tent Sunday evening with temps pushing 90 and humidity as thick as cream. We have had several hotter services in past tent revivals but none of them are as vivid in my memory as this one for the moment. It was hot. By 7:30 start time the rest of the week the whole tent will be in the shade. That will make it cooler.

We had a good crowd and a wonderful service. If the first night is any indication of how good it is going to be then we are in for a tremendous revival this week. God helped us so much. It is amazing the great lengths that God will go to in order to demonstrate His love and to help His people.

I think Kelly Jo and I will stick to the BoggsMobile and the Green Machine. What do you think?

We topped off a full Sunday with a great meal at Cracker Barrel. We nearly filled up one whole section.

Even the waitress was taking pictures.

And a finally two pictures of the tent before I came into the bus Sunday night.

What a great day. I am tired from a full week at Campmeeting and a super full weekend of travel, tent set up and Sunday services. I feel tired right down in my bones. But I am so thankful and grateful that God has allowed our family to work in the ministry and to labor among His people. What a special blessing that is for us. Praise God for His mercy and grace. 

Thanks for reading.



  1. It was such a GREAT blessing to have you all for tent revival. I truly believe that God done things that we can't see yet. We love the Boggs family dearly! You will always hold a special place in my heart!

    1. Thanks, Sis. Is was our great pleasure to be there. Thank you all for treating us so well. We love you too.



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