
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

History In the Making - Pentecostal Fire Youth Confernece

If I told you that you could go back in time and visit the Azuza Street revival and meet William J. Seymore, Bonnie Bray and Frank Bartelman and experience what we have so fondly read about and yearned to see.

Would you want to?

If I told you that we could travel back the the 1850s to Cane Ridge, KY and listen to ministers preach from stumps and see thousands falling on their face before God and weeping their way through to old time religion.

Would you be willing take time to drive there to see it first hand?

If I told you we had the opportunity to go to Renfro Valley and see hundreds of Holiness people pack into the theater and hear Ernest Brock sing with that smooth voice Rock of Ages and hear Bro Claude Ely and Bro Jonnie Carter tag team preach.

Would you change your busy schedule and go?

History of the Holiness people Is Happening right before your very eyes April 4-5, 2014 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

•Largest gathering of independent holiness people that we have known in America

•It has the potential to set the trends in the lives of this next generation

•The Preachers that preach take 12 months of prayer and fasting before they deliver what thus sayeth the Word of God

•$100,000 per year is used to create an atmosphere to see people saved, sanctified, Filled with the Holy Ghost and called into the ministry.

•It is estimated that 60 percent of all mainline independent holiness churches have at least one representative there.

Contrary to popular belief … this will not go on forever. THIS IS HOLINESS CHURCH HISTORY IN THE MAKING! 


There are 365 days a year to work.

There are 365 days a year to be busy.

There is always something else asking for your money.

Some say they can't afford to go. Maybe You can't afford not to go. 

Take Two days to experience the power of God and History in the making.

You can't go back and experience the past. But you can experience something the old timers went to their grave trying to accomplish.

I'm asking you to be part of one of the greatest things the Holiness movement has ever had.


April 4-5   (Pre Conference Opportunity on April 3)

This was written anonymously but I obviously endorse it.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so so exited about taking part of being able to attend the PFYC this year with a great group of Brothers and Sisters from our church (Gosple Lighthouse Holiness) Can't wait to see how God will be pouring out his blessing upon us. God Bless! !


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