
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Homecoming Revival in Pictures - Haines City , Florida

Today was a great day in Haines City, Florida. The weather was absolutely perfect, the services were great and the Homecoming meal was outstanding. It does not get much better than that. It is so good to be back with Pastor Chris Whiffen and his family and the Lighthouse of Holiness Church.

I am sure I will have more to say later in the week but now it is late and I am feeling the effects of the of the whole weekend. My pillow is calling my name. I will allow the pictures to tell the rest of the story. Many of you will recognize some of the faces below because not everyone pictured is from Florida.

God bless you all.


Sunday Night


  1. Wow! Is that Brother Hisel Carpenter? If it is, tell him hello from Ray at JHPC. (I know he won't remember me, but...) He held us a revival when Brother Leon Farley was our pastor and I still have a couple of his singing cassettes.

    God Bless!

    1. You have an eagle eye, Bro. Ray! Yes, that is the one and only Hisel Carpenter. He and Sis. Carpenter spend their winters parked on a piece of property next the the church here. They have been a great blessing to Pastor Chris Whiffen and his family and church. It is a tremendous blessing to us to have them in the revival services.

      I will pass your greetings along.



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