
Monday, August 12, 2013

Wonderful Wichita Weekend

We had a great weekend in Wichita. Saturday the girls did laundry and I tried to prepare for preaching on Sunday. We had a super lunch with Bro. and Sis. DiZazzo and some of the church folks Saturday and that evening Kelly Jo and I grabbed some burritos and drove down to the river. 

It was a beautiful night. The river is very high because of all the rain they have been receiving here. The flood control they call the "Big Ditch" is full and flowing fast. All of that is very unusual for Wichita in August.

I was trying to think of a pretty place to sit in the car and had a hard time thinking of a place. We lived here for nearly four years and I could not think of a nice location for a car picnic. I realized that in all the time we lived in Wichita I could not remember taking my girls some where, sitting in the car and enjoying the view and good family time. 

We might have done it once or twice but I can not recall it. That means it is certainly something we did not do often, if at all. I stayed way too busy those years engaged in the "work" of the ministry and not enough time with my family. It is something I have repented of before but I did some more repenting Saturday. 

The church I pastored was not a demanding church at all. I just did not have my priorities straight. It is a common trap for anybody that loves their work or feels defined by what they do. I loved pastoring that church and spent a lot of time trying to be the best preacher I could be. I was having the time of my life but I spent way too much time in my little study.

Kelly Jo and Odie did not complain one time while we lived in Wichita but they probably should have. I deserved it. They are the most important people in this world to me. I have tried for several years to show them how valuable they are. I am going to try some more!

We started revival yesterday. Both Sunday services were very good. The crowds were good and the response in the altar service was very good too. We are looking forward to some more great services.

I did not take very many pictures Sunday but I am sure I will have opportunity to take more this week.


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