
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

So What Happened Sunday and Monday?


I guess I need to bring you up to date on the events of the last couple of days. Sunday morning we went back to the church where the Martin's (Hope for the Home Ministries) conducted the Kid's Crusade last week. The church is Fort Totten Gospel Lighthouse and the pastor is Brandon Wegener.

We had a good service and enjoyed the fellowship with Pastor Brandon and his folks. He asked us to minister in song and we sang a couple of songs before the preaching. We sure appreciate their kindness and hospitality.

The church is actually only about five miles from where we are parked at Graham's Island State Park but the road between is about 20 feet under the lake so it is 29 miles around the lake. No problem though because it is a beautiful drive.

There is a game preserve near the church on the south side of the lake and we drove through it after church.

It was beautiful and well worth the two dollars for the car load. They have a few elk in the preserve but they were allusive. We did see a swarm of buffalo and gaggle of prairie dogs.

Sunday evening we sat outside and for devotions I read aloud the first chapter of "Robert Hardy's Seven Days." I love that book. Have you read it yet?

This morning we were up early for a road trip into Canada. We are only a 75-80 miles from the border so it really was not too much of a drive. We crossed into Canada at the Crystal City crossing and met a very pleasant Canadian border agent. 

The Crystal City crossing is not very busy so after the formalities were taken care of he offered us lots of good information and great conversation. It is always a treat to meet some body with a great personality. The agent took his job seriously but did not take himself too seriously. That is a great combination.

We drove north several miles and then turned east and drove to Winkler. It was all beautiful country. 

In Winkler it started feeling hungry so we went searching for a place to eat. We exhausted several options and then settled on a local Mexican place. Actually the name was Mexican, Del Rio's,  but they specialize in Mexican and Mennonite food. What?

Yep, that should have been my first clue. You know I love Mexican food and I love everything I have eaten in Mennonite country but they specialize in both? It was definitely NOT one of my better decisions.

It looked great but who eats Mexican food in Canada? Not me, at least not any more. The people were real friendly, the place was super clean but Mexican food in Canada? I must have been dropped on my head as a baby to think that would work.

The city of Winkler has a beautiful city park that honors its heritage and it is very nice. They honor early settlers from Germany and from the Ukraine. I tell you these folks were a hardy lot to endure this place in the winter. I am not joking. They were better men than me. They left their homes, families and everything they knew to come to a strange place so they could live and worship in freedom.

Kelly Jo had laid out some stuffed chicken thighs from Pine Prairie, Louisiana so we HAD to eat them Monday evening. Wow! What a meal. Kelly Jo does not get to cook very much with our lifestyle so I do not write about it often, but that girl can cook! She loves to tell everybody that she could not cook when we married but that was nearly 30 years ago. She has learned well!

I think that brings you up to date. God bless you all .


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