
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Speedy Freeze

I noticed signs like this at a few Speedway gas stations/convenient stores while we were home last week. I just had to snap a picture of this one as I was waiting at the light.

Which being interpreted is:

Price of Unleaded Gasoline - Ridiculous

Price of Diesel - Crazy Ridiculous

Price of a Speedy Freeze - Only .89 cents! At least we have one thing you can afford!

It is like they are conceding the fact that our gas and diesel prices will not attract you to our store but LOOK we have Speedy Freeze for less than a dollar. Well, it got my attention!

No spiritual application to go along with it. Sorry, I must have sludge in the brain.

We did have a great service last night in tent revival. Have I mentioned that these folks are hungry for God? They are seeking after God in the altars and God is blessing and helping them each night. Bro. Horton and Bro. Switzer are doing a great job running the services and I am just floundering around doing what I do most of the time. Praise God for His help.

It was quite a bit cooler outside last night but it was pretty nice inside the tent. I rolled the sides down in the afternoon and Bro. Switzer brought a couple of heaters. It was very comfortable with the heat going. In fact it was a little hot for me while I was preaching. Of course, I am going to sweat while preaching no matter how cool it is.

It is 70 right now so we should be able to keep most of the sides rolled up for service tonight. Thank you for praying for us in this meeting. God is answering your prayers.



  1. Could you convert your rig to run on "Speedy Freeze"? With the technology we have today, it should be possible...Just trying to help out!! (I do sympathize with you over the fuel prices)

    God Bless!

    1. That would be "cool" Bro. Ray. Drink a cup, burn a cup, drink a cup, burn a cup. Now that I think about it, diesel may be cheaper!

      Thanks for the sympathy.



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