
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Praying for Miracles

A note from Odie:

Hello!! I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. Tent revival is going good. Monday night was great. The weather was perfect for service under the tent. I hope we have a lot more nights just like that one over the next several months

We had several friends visiting revival Monday. It was so nice to see everyone. It is always a joy when our friends come to see us. Dad especially appreciates the preachers that come and help him preach!

I have a few prayer requests for you today. It seems everywhere you look sickness abounds. We have many friends and family members needing God to move in the lives. We know He is able to do it and we believe He hears and answers prayer.

I know we ask our readers to pray for a lot of people you have never met. Thank you for your prayers. I know for a fact that it works! Here are a few needs that are special to me right now.

My Papaw Eugene Boggs still has cancer. They have finally scheduled his surgery for April 30.  Please pray for both my Mamaw and Papaw as they go through this tough time! Pray that the surgery goes as planned and that my Papaw recovers amazingly quick and well.

Annette Cook is my Dad 1st cousin and she is is in desperate need of a miracle. She has had a long battle with cancer. I know God is able to heal her completely!!! Annette and Dad are just 2 months apart in age. They went to school together all the way through. We love Annette and Heath Cook. We have not been with them much in recent years but they are precious people.

Lisa Isaacs is another one of Dads many 1st cousins on the Isaacs side of the family. Regular readers know Lisa is a special lady. She went with me on the Gospel singing cruise last year. Not long after our trip, Lisa started battling sickness. Doctors have treated many things. Yet she still suffers terribly with pain. Nothing seems to cure all of he symptoms. Please join us in praying for Lisa's healing!!

I think Dad mentioned the other day that Bro. Kenny Morris' Dad is in the hospital and is very, very low. It does not look like he is going to pull through so Bro. Kenny, Bro. Scott, Bro. Jason and Bro. Timmy and all of their family needs God to help them. Bro. Sime Morris has been a man of God all of his life. He and is dear wife have been faithful to God and to the ministry. Please help us pray for them.

Update: Bro. Sime Morris slipped into Heaven about a little after 9:00 this evening. The place he has preached about and lived for all of his life is now his home. Thank you for praying. Please continue to pray for his precious wife and family.

Thank you again for your prayers and concern for loved ones that are dear to me. I appreciate all of you!


Annette Cook

Lisa Isaacs

Bro. and Sis. Morris


  1. Praying everyone receives a healing! Love you all! Deborah


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