
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

We had a full day on Monday and I think about everybody at church was wore out when it was all over. Pastor Kenny Morris preached two funerals and the church had a visitation, meal, funeral, graveside and then church last night. It was a long day for the folks of First Assembly.

We had storms off and on all day and there was a tornado watch when church started. All of the distractions could have really hindered the service but Bro. Kenny started the service on a high note and it carried all the way through. Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim were there tonight and Bro. Scott helped in the service so much. The Lord moved in the altar service and blessed in spite of everything. I am so thankful that He did because that could have been a long train to pull by myself. Praise God for His faithfulness.

Bro. Marty Millikin spent several hours in surgery Monday but came through it well. Bro. Jimmy said the mass was the size of a football but the doctor thinks that he was able to remove all of it. Some of he lymph nodes were inflamed so if it proves to be cancer then they will give Bro. Marty chemo. We are so thankful that Bro. Marty came through the surgery and we are looking for more good news in the coming days.

My cousin, Gary Coffman, had a similar situation last spring and the doctors were sure it was cancer even after they removed it. However the report came back from the pathologist that it was benign. We know that God is able to work a miracle just like that for Bro. Marty. Even if he does have to have treatments we are so thankful God has helped him to this point.

The weather is supposed to clear up today. It may be windy and a little cooler the next few days but the rain is gone for a week or so. All the rivers and streams around here are flooding and many of the men have not been able to work so they are all glad to see the sunshine. I am so glad that I am not in Oklahoma or Kansas in the middle of a blizzard right now. I think I am allergic to snow. It makes me shiver!

Thanks for praying for us and for Bro. Marty Millikin. We know that God hears the prayers of the saints.


1 comment:

  1. Wow thats great that they were able to get it out. Especially since it was in a bad place.


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