
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday 1/29/13

This picture was in Sunday's post. It was an advertisement for the dedication service at Bethany Revival Center.

Bro. DiZazzo sent me a picture of the new sign they put up in it's place. This is the new sign

I think that is pretty cool. I hate outdated signs and I love it when churches are on the ball with their signs. The permanent signs are completed and installed but I love the idea of this temporary one. The new location is on a major east-west street in Wichita with thousands of cars passing by. They might as well take advantage of it.

Odie told you some about our long travel day on Monday. I took a couple of breaks along the way and slept on the couch a few minutes but I was still pretty tired when we arrived in Ohio. When we were parked I lifted KJ back through the escape hatch and she put a tarp over the coverless AC. That will do till the new cover comes in. We all rested pretty good that night.

Kelly Jo and I washed the road grime off the BoggsMobile and the Green Machine today (Tuesday). I really did not want to do it but it is supposed to be very cold here for a few days so I needed to get it done in warm weather. Now I am glad we did it. They look so much better.

We spent the evening with my mom and dad. Dad was supposed to have surgery today, which is the reason we planned a trip home, but it has been postponed. The blood specialist found a disorder that needs to be addressed before they do surgery. Please continue to pray for him. We are believing God to do a miracle.

We hope to spend more time with family and then preach a few nights at Corwin just a mile from my parents home. If all goes as planned we will pull out next Thursday headed for Mississippi.

Time for sleep. God bless you all.


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