
Monday, December 10, 2012

On the Way Home from Nigeria

We are in the airport at Lagos getting ready to fly home and we found some Wifi!! I am going to try to post an update. If you are reading this, it worked!

As you already know we were not able to post updates this year from Nigeria. Not only did the hotel not have Wifi but none of the employees had ever heard of Wifi. That's OK, a few years ago I did not know what it was myself.

A man in Bro. Shobanke's church brought his laptop and cell phone modem for me to use and I appreciate his kindness. The plan was to email updates to the blog with his computer.

That would not work because Google locked me out of my email since I was in a strange place. I thought that was the whole idea of web based email that could be accessed ANYwhere.

I know many of you were praying and anxious to hear from us. I wanted to do post but could not get it done. Thank you so much for praying. You will read in the next several days how those prayers were answered.

I did type an update every day while the thoughts and experiences were fresh in my mind. I also have pictures to go along with each daily post. I hope to post the daily updates one or two a day now that we are back.

Thank you for praying for our safety and for the meetings. Everything went very well. God saved many souls and the saints were encouraged too.

The Gospel Crusade was so good. It was held at the future site of the new branch church. The building is not finished and they had not planned to have church there for quite a while.

However the Crusade changed their plans. Enough people were saved that they had to start services in the unfinished building the next Sunday. Praise God. You will read more about that in the updates.

The Ministers Conference was especially good too. I had an awesome time preaching to and fellowshipping with these brothers. God blessed us all each day of the meeting.

I will post updates about the conference and lots of pictures too.

We preached in both of the other branch churches in Abeokuta and a special service for Bro. Kuye in Ibadan. All of these services were wonderful and we have lots of pictures.

Bro. Gary Lockwood had a good time and the folks there loved him. The humidity was rough on his Montana blood but thankfully it was not too hot. I am pretty sure this will not be his last trip to Nigeria.

Bro. Shobanke and all of the saints seem to be doing well. It was good to spend a few days will all of these blessed people.

It was also good to see folks that were converted in our last meetings here. That is always a blessing.

There is one that was saved in 2009 that is really special. Her name is Dorcas. I can not wait to tell you about Dorcas.

It has been a super great trip and I am sure you will have to slap me to get me to shut up. We should be home tomorrow and after about 30 hours of sleep I will try to start posting some of the updates.

God bless you and thanks again for praying.


1 comment:

  1. Evang. Boggs. Sir, your visit really brought blessings to us in Nigeria. It was as if yourself, sis. Kelly and Bro. Gary Lockwood should remain with us in Nigeria. I was the brother who also took photographs of your visit yesterday to pupils of Goodnews Christian School in their various classes with Rev. Ade Shobanke. I was compelled by herald on your visit given by my 4yrs old daughter who is a nursery 1 pupil of the school. Even till this morning, she was still expecting another visit from your team. I strongly believed the pupils were touched by the affection, better say, the Agape Love you demonstrated toward them yesterday, and how you condescended to their level and related with them, even to the point of picking white chalks and writing on their blackboards. THANK YOU SIR FOR GIVEN TO THE LORD. NO MAN CAN REWARD YOU. ONLY GOD ALONE CAN REWARD YOU. [Luke 14:14]. GOD BLESS YOU SIR. GREETINGS TO SIS. ODIE. MAY THE LORD GIVE YOUR FAMILY AND THAT OF BRO. LOCKWOOD SPECIAL MIRACLES AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN JESUS NAME. WE LOVE YOU. SAFE ARRIVAL IN USA.


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