
Friday, November 30, 2012

Safely In Nigeria

Hello just a quick post to let you know all is well. I just realized I missed a voicemail from Dad. They made it safely to their hotel in Nigeria. He asked me to post because they do NOT have wifi.

They were extremely tired but safe. In Atlanta they were delayed untill almost 2 A.M. So Wednesday day was a long travel day for all of them. Bro. Gary started early Wednesday.  I know he was wore out. 
On the home front in Ohio I am doing great. I have been hunting two full days. I am still a deer hunter.  Hopefully I will change that soon. 

We are headed out for a girls trip now. I will fill you in later. 


1 comment:

  1. Sis Odie, yes, our Faithful God who said that blessed shall out and coming in be, and promised to preserve us from all evil { Psalms 121:7-8} had made Evang.Boggs and his team arrived safely in Nigeria. The LORD has been their strenght since, as the crusades have commenced with one held yesterday {friday } at the Aiyetoro road branch of the Christ Ambassador Holiness church, another one is slated for today{saturday} at the Saje branch of the church. The 3-day crusade at the new brach wwill commence tommorrow {sunday}. Just keep praying along with us in Nigeria. God's Presece is with you all in USA.


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