
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Beechfork Holiness Church - Revival In Pictures

It has been another wonderful week at Beechfork Holiness Church near Wartburg, Tennessee. My parents came down and attended four nights of revival with us. It was so good to have them here. We were able to spend some time with them during the day and having them in the services was really special.

We had another treat this week too. It was great to have the Millikin's join us on Thursday night as they were passing through on their way to Virginia for revival. They sacrificed a night off and drove quite a ways to be with us. They were a tremendous blessing in the service. The Beechfork folks loved them like I knew they would.

God blessed and helped every night this week and we are so very thankful for it. We appreciate Pastor Herman Woods and all of the fine folks at Beechfork for their gracious hospitality. We love you all so very much.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.


The Millikin's

Where did our guitar player go?

There he is! Bro. Joel ladies and gentlemen!

1 comment:

  1. the Revival was so uplifting and timely. Thank God for your family and for coming to Beechfork.
    the Wilsons


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