
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Tent is Up in New Castle, Indiana

The tent is up in New Castle, Indiana. Pastor Brian Hisle and his family and church joined us in working hard to put up the tent Saturday morning.

They had to trim a tree but we got it up in the parking lot with inches to spare. The weather was great and looks to be pretty good all week.

The revival is scheduled to start tonight and go through Friday. We are expecting super services. Please pray that God will help us.

Enjoy the pictures.



  1. Davy,
    Was that really you on top of the tent? I think that could
    monetize this web page. Send a link to Omar; the tentmaker
    not the tailor. It might need a video to go viral.

  2. Haha! Not me up there but not a bad idea! Would be great advertisement for the tent company!



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