
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tent Revival Wrap Up - Florence, Montana

This is where the tent was set up.

After months of planning, praying, fasting and preparing the Tent Revival at Sun Valley Church near Florence, Montana has come and gone. It is almost unbelievable but it is over.

We had a wonderful time during this tent revival and we want the Sun Valley church to know how much we appreciate you allowing us to be a part of it. Our family has been greatly blessed.

Although I would have loved to have seen many more people attend from the community I am thrilled that we had visitors each and every night. Many of them were touched and blessed and we praise God for that.

The Sun Valley church jumped into the services with both feet and that was a thrill to see as well. They sang, worshipped, prayed and responded to the preaching every service.

They all worked so hard to prepare and then cooked, cleaned, served and pushed toward the success of the meeting all through the week. It was an incredible job and they did it flawlessly.

There was nothing lacking in effort from these wonderful people. May God bless the fine folks of Sun Valley Church!

I believe that the prayer, fasting and hard work will continue to bear fruit in the future. I believe the seeds that were planted and watered this past week will spring up in the days and weeks to come.

Please continue to help us pray for the Sun Valley Church as they work on in this field for the Lord. Pray for those that were saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and encouraged during this meeting as well.

We are headed toward Heaven at a tremendous pace folks. Let us pray for one another and reach for those that need to be saved around us.

Thank you for all that prayed for this tent revival. I need it and appreciate it so very much.

God bless,


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