
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Work Day And Travel Day

The Millikin's with Landon on Sunday.

Yesterday was a work day and a travel day. Bro. Jimmy Millikin started early packing the bearings on the trailer. With six wheels to pack it made for a long day in the Oklahoma sun. He worked so hard.

I did not know if or when the bearings had been packed on the trailer. I hated to pull it to Montana in a few weeks with out it being done. I would hate to find out the bearings were dry in the middle of Wyoming.

Bro. Jimmy did a great job and I appreciate it very, very much. With new tires and new grease it should be ready to go.

We left Claremore about 4:00 in the evening and drove into Missouri to a campground. We have scheduled three days off during this long run of tent revivals. I knew we would need the rest and I was right. I love what we do and I usually feel so good that I keep right on running until my girls drop. I am learning and I am trying to do better. I plan to do as little as possible until Friday morning.

We have sporadic Internet so I imagine you will hear from us each day. We plan to pull into Miami, Oklahoma sometime Friday. I hope to lay out the stake line Friday evening, raise the tent Saturday morning and crank up revival Sunday night.

God bless you all.



  1. Glad you Boggs' got to come to "God's Country" for a little R&R!

    Your pictures of the tent revivals and baptismal are so encouraging! Makes me want to keep on keeping on!......The picture of Brother Jimmy “grease monkey” Milllikin working on the wheels with that cool hat is also encouraging!

    God Bless!

  2. Always great to hear from you, Bro. Ray! Bro. Millikin is as handy as a pocket on a shirt!



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