
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Do You Know Pastor Bennie Sutherland?

Do You Know Pastor Bennie Sutherland?

Bro. Bennie Sutherland is our Pastor and has been since early in 1989. Bro. Bennie has pastored for well over 40 years and has pastored Dryden Road Pentecostal Church since January 1978, over 34 years.

When we visited Dryden Rd. in 1988 and heard Bro. Bennie preach we were hooked. It took us about a year to make the transition but we knew very early on that Bro. Bennie Sutherland was our Pastor.

It was his preaching that caught our attention and has proven to be profitable so many times through the years for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness. Thank God for a man who studies the Word, prays for guidance and delivers the message with skill and compassion.

Compassion sums up Bro. Bennie so well. He is known across the country as a man that will preach the Word of God without fear or favor. He has been in demand for many years to preach revivals and campmeetings all over the country. He is some more kind of preacher but his heart of compassion is what will always define him for me. Bro. Bennie Sutherland has the heart of a Pastor.

The Boggs family will forever be indebted to Bro. Bennie Sutherland and his Godly wife Sis. Jane for their love, kindness, generosity and friendship. We are so very thankful that God brought them into our lives. It is very possible and highly probable that there would be no Boggs Family Ministries if not for Bro. Bennie Sutherland being used of God in our lives.

Do you know Bro. Bennie Sutherland? He is definitely worth getting to know...


  1. I'm proud to say I know him very well. Couldn't ask for a better pastor and wife.

  2. The first time I recall Bro. Southerland was in 1987 if memory serves me correctly. My grandfather had just passed away a couple weeks before. My grandmother and I drove to Shady Springs Camp. During one of the day services a preacher used Bro. Bennie and myself in an illustration. I was 15 and had gotten into some poison ivy or something comparable. My arm was covered in blisters on one side. During the illustration, Bro. Bennie had to grab my arm and hold onto it. I don't recall anything else about the illustration or the preacher or the message. However, the blisters on my arm begin to subside. What a massive impact on a 15yr old boy. I haven't had poison ivy since. I haven't had the privilege of personally knowing Bro. Bennie; however, the power of God in his life still refreshes when I think of the only encounter I ever remember with Bro. Bennie. It is my prayer that my now 15yr old son has an encounter with a man of God that affects his life forever.

  3. Can't say I really "know" Brother Sutherland but the few times we have attended Dryden Road he and Sister Sutherland were so gracious and made us feel right at home. I certainly appreciate his stand for Holiness and his testimony throughout the Holiness Movement!

  4. Brother Sutherland is a preacher's preacher and a pastor to pastors... a great man of God!

  5. Bro. Bennie is the best preacher I have ever heard. My parents have been members at DRPC for many years so I have had the pleasure of hearing him on many occasions. Thank you Bro. Bennie & Sis Jane for always making me feel welcome & for the blessings recieved


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