
Friday, February 10, 2012

Bibles For Nigeria

We received a comment on a recent blog post asking about the possibility of sending Bibles to Nigeria with us on our next trip. Here is part of the comment.

"I will be in prayer for all of you and Tristan told me today that she would love to send blbles to a country that needs them and I thought about you all and your trip to Nigeria with Bro. Shabonki this November--could you let me know if they need or are able to accept Bibles and I will proceed from there. May God Richly Bless your ministry, sacrifices, and dedication to him and his service, yours in Christ, Sister Perryman" 

We have taken nice leather KJV Bibles to Pastor Shobanke and his family before but I had never asked about taking boxes of Bibles over. I emailed Bro. Shobanke and received his reply yesterday.

Bro. Shobanke assures me there is a great need for Bibles in Nigeria. He said that because of the cost to ship Bibles to Nigeria and the monetary exchange rate it is better at this time to bring the money to Nigeria and buy the Bibles there. We have decided to put together some funds and purchase as many Bibles as we can for the precious saints in Nigeria.

Although english is the official language and most of the people speak english we would probably buy Bibles in their native languages so they could read them better. Most of the people in Abeokuta speak Yoruba and there is a good translation in Yoruba by the grace of God.

If any one is interested in providing funds for Bibles in Nigeria we will take the money if God allows us to go in November. We will make sure that every dollar given for Bibles is spent on Bibles and nothing else. You can send it to Boggs Family Ministries and mark the memo or envelope as Bibles For Nigeria. Since Boggs Family Ministries is a 501c3 all of your gift could be tax deductible.

Can you imagine not being able to afford a Bible of your own? We have been so blessed in America that anybody that wants a Bible can have one. It would be great to bless somebody in Nigeria with the Word of God in their hands. I encourage you to pray about it and see if God would lead you to do just that. I will try to get a price per Bible so you can know how many you are buying.

God bless you all.



  1. My cousin and her husband have 62 King James Bibles they want to send to Niger1a, they said it is going to cost $306.00 I would like to help, is there a cheaper way to send them? They weigh 62 lbs.

  2. I honestly know of no good and cost effective way to ship anything to Nigeria. It is very expensive. As I mentioned in the blog, it is much more cost effective to take the money Nigeria and buy the Bibles there. Plus, although most the people in Nigeria can understand English, is is much better if they have a Bible in their native language. Thank you so much for your comment and concern.



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