
Friday, January 6, 2012

Revival Pictures - Blair, Oklahoma

We are enjoying our first revival in Blair, Oklahoma. Bro. and Sis. Hudson are fine folks and their church is full of hospitality. We visited and preached here on Easter morning in 1996 when my sister Theresa and her husband Jay lived in Lawton about an hour away. Jay was in the army and stationed there.

Many years ago Bro. Hudson had a burden to see a church pioneered in Lawton. He and his church and others financed a church plant in Lawton and as a result Jay and Theresa are saved today! They were the first fruits of that church plant effort. I told you these were fine folks! The Lawton church is still going strong. Bro. Brandon Murray Pastors the church and they should be here tonight. HERE are a few pictures of when we preached revival for them in 2009.

I thank God for these people and their desire to see souls saved from sin into the kingdom of God!

Here are a few pictures of the people of Trinity Holiness Church in Blair, Oklahoma.


Pastor and Sis. Hudson

This young man was wore out after church!


  1. Brother Davy I don't know how to thank you for being here and letting the Lord use you and your family. This has been a wonderful revival thus far. Lord bless. Brother Joe

  2. A beautiful church, with a wonderful loving conregation!! Jay & I love you all and appreciate all that you did for us!!!


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