
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Amazing Grace Tabernacle

We started revival on Sunday for Pastor Jared Burris at Amazing Grace Tabernacle in Atwater, California. We started with Pastor Apprciation service on Sunday morning and I really enjoyed that. Bro. Jared is one of my dearest friends so it was a privilege to honor him as an outstanding Pastor. Praise God for every man that has a Pastor's heart in these troublesome times.

Revival kicked off Sunday night and we have had two great services so far. We had visitors from fellowshipping churches last night but I forgot to take pictures. Here are a few pictures from Sunday and two from Odie's phone tonight. I will try to post more later.


Pastor Jared Burris and family on Pastor Appreciation Day


  1. If one can tag them self or other things on Facebook, does this mean I can tag the scarf Odie is wearing in the last picture since I got it for her??? LOL
    Missing my favorite traveling Uncle and Aunt and best friend SO very much!!!
    Love you all,
    --Tell the Burris family I said Hi:)

  2. Deidre,
    Yes thank you for my scarf! I love it. See you in 18 days, miss you!
    The Burris' said hi.



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