
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday Bristow 2011

Day 2 of Bristow Campmeeting 2011 is now history. We had 3 good services and heard 7 messages. In the morning service Bro. Russell Cheek, Bro. Tracy Boyd and Bro. Doug Webb Preached. In the youth service we heard Bro. Joel Sosa, Bro. Titus Shuecraft and Bro. Nathaniel Green. Bro. Preskitt preached the evening service. The need for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost seems to be the message God has for us this week.

The storms came at the end of church last night. It would not be Bristow Campmeeting without rain! Thank God it was not to bad of a storm!!

Now for Tuesday pics.



  1. Thanks for the updates and pictures We wish we were there !

  2. That baby with the pink bow is BEAUTIFUL!!! Wonder who she belongs to? Lol.

    Sister Laura Meyers

  3. Bro. Scott,
    Wish you were here. It's been great. We have seen several of your folks.

    Sis. Laura,
    Are you just a little proud?

    Thanks for the comments!



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