
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lighthouse Holiness Church, Ozark, Alabama

We are in revival this week at Lighthouse Holiness Church in Ozark, Alabama. This is our second revival for Pastor William Parr and the folks here. It seems like we have been here much more because they are so good to fellowship other revivals in the area. You can pretty much count on them being in nearly every night of revival other than their own church nights. That has been a real blessing to us.

We love Bro. and Sis. Parr and we are excited to be here with them. God is certainly moving among them as he is for others. Praise God for His faithfulness in these last days.

Thank you for praying for us.


1 comment:

  1. Awww! Luv them people. Wish we could have been there more! But we enjoyed the service Monday nt. Y'all were awesome( as always)!!! Luv y'all. The Isaacs


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