
Monday, January 31, 2011

Great Sunday!

We had a great weekend topped off by wonderful services all day Sunday. We were nearly exhausted when we dropped into bed around 2 this morning but it was a good kind of tired. We were so blessed of the Lord yesterday that it would have been a shame to complain. 

Saturday we said goodbye to our dear friends in Weir and traveled about 130 miles to the southwest side of Tulsa. We parked at Hilldale Holiness Church where we are preaching revival this week.  Saturday evening we visited with the Juneau's from Louisiana (they have been in revival nearby) and we also visited with Bro. Marty Millikin as well. We had great fellowship and fun with our friends.

Sunday started with service at Hilldale in the morning and two people getting saved. It was a wonderful service followed by a tremendous meal (pictures below) and then service at 2:30. 

The Holy Ghost blessed and encouraged in the 2:30 service as well.  Folks were shouting and receiving the help of God from beginning to end. After church we all went our separate ways happy to have been in the presence of the Lord. I am sure we will have more to say about Pastor Nathan Conner and these fine folks later in the week.

But that's not all! Since there was no service last night Bro Darrell Toliver had invited us to preach at Bethany about 10 miles away on Sunday night. We arrived about 6 for a great prayer service and then it kicked off in high gear from the first song. 

Folks were shouting and rejoicing, worshipping God, coming forward for prayer and generally having church until nearly 8. Things began to settle down and church seemed to be just about over when another wave of glory filled that place. 

Young peopled came to the altars and service went on until around 10. A young girl was saved, several young folks that were struggling received strength, some backsliders prayed through and the rest of us shouted and danced until we just had to quit!

A meal and fellowship at IHOP, a midnight trip to WalMart finished off the day and explains our late night exhaustion. It was an awesome day. 

I know it's a little unusual for me to give such a detailed description of our services but I am excited over the move of God we have been seeing since Christmas. In fact many of our evangelist and pastor friends are experiencing great revivals this year. That is exciting because our families, our churches and our nation NEED revival!  We are in a very crucial hour and we must have revival. Thank God that He is visiting us as He promised in His Word!  Hallelujah!

On another subject, I suppose we need another winter storm because that is what the weather man is predicting. Check out the forecast for the next few days below. Wow!
Pray for us. 
God bless you all. 


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