
Monday, January 31, 2011

Great Sunday!

We had a great weekend topped off by wonderful services all day Sunday. We were nearly exhausted when we dropped into bed around 2 this morning but it was a good kind of tired. We were so blessed of the Lord yesterday that it would have been a shame to complain. 

Saturday we said goodbye to our dear friends in Weir and traveled about 130 miles to the southwest side of Tulsa. We parked at Hilldale Holiness Church where we are preaching revival this week.  Saturday evening we visited with the Juneau's from Louisiana (they have been in revival nearby) and we also visited with Bro. Marty Millikin as well. We had great fellowship and fun with our friends.

Sunday started with service at Hilldale in the morning and two people getting saved. It was a wonderful service followed by a tremendous meal (pictures below) and then service at 2:30. 

The Holy Ghost blessed and encouraged in the 2:30 service as well.  Folks were shouting and receiving the help of God from beginning to end. After church we all went our separate ways happy to have been in the presence of the Lord. I am sure we will have more to say about Pastor Nathan Conner and these fine folks later in the week.

But that's not all! Since there was no service last night Bro Darrell Toliver had invited us to preach at Bethany about 10 miles away on Sunday night. We arrived about 6 for a great prayer service and then it kicked off in high gear from the first song. 

Folks were shouting and rejoicing, worshipping God, coming forward for prayer and generally having church until nearly 8. Things began to settle down and church seemed to be just about over when another wave of glory filled that place. 

Young peopled came to the altars and service went on until around 10. A young girl was saved, several young folks that were struggling received strength, some backsliders prayed through and the rest of us shouted and danced until we just had to quit!

A meal and fellowship at IHOP, a midnight trip to WalMart finished off the day and explains our late night exhaustion. It was an awesome day. 

I know it's a little unusual for me to give such a detailed description of our services but I am excited over the move of God we have been seeing since Christmas. In fact many of our evangelist and pastor friends are experiencing great revivals this year. That is exciting because our families, our churches and our nation NEED revival!  We are in a very crucial hour and we must have revival. Thank God that He is visiting us as He promised in His Word!  Hallelujah!

On another subject, I suppose we need another winter storm because that is what the weather man is predicting. Check out the forecast for the next few days below. Wow!
Pray for us. 
God bless you all. 


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Faith Tabernacle

We are having a great week at Faith Tabernacle. As Dad said Monday these are dear friends of ours!

Each service has been very good! God has had a special plan for each service. I'm looking forward to what He has in store for tonight.

Here are some pics of my little buddies this week! They are precious!


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An American Missionary Shot and Killed in Mexico

According to several news stories an American Missionary was shot and killed in Mexico yesterday. Nancy Davis was shot as her husband Sam was trying to drive them away from hostile situation about 70 miles south of the border. It is tragic and this family needs God to help them. I do not know these folks but they seem like very dedicated people. Please pray for this family.

It should also remind us to pray for the Landress family and many other missionaries we know that are risking their lives to work in Mexico and other places. I may update this post later with more information as it becomes available.

Here are a couple of links to the story.

USA Today

Big 3 News Blog

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat!

There is more than one way to skin a cat!  Of course it's not politically correct to talk about skinning cats these days but you know what I mean.  There is the normal, proper, correct way to do things and then there  is the way you do it when it just has to be done.  You don't have the right tool to do the job correctly or even the knowledge to do it right but the task at hand must be completed so you do it.  That's where duct tape, paper clips, wire tires and gorilla glue really shine!

The picture below is an extreme case of thinking outside the box and finding another way to skin the proverbial cat.  The box must go into the trunk.  The trunk is way to small and the box is way to big.  So up with the lid, in with the box and fasten the trunk with a bungee strap or a piece of rope, right? Oops, you can't find the bungee strap that you keep in the trunk for just this purpose and there is no rope to be found.  You look around the car, on top of the car, in the car and under the car to no avail....Until you spot the car charger for your phone!  The car charger for your Phone?

Yep!  Look closely....that's exactly what they used....

By the way, that's not my box, car or phone charger!  I happened to see this in a parking lot and couldn't stop laughing.  I thought you all might get a kick out of it too!  


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tribute Quartet Bus Fire

Update: Added a second picture Odie found.

The Tribute Quartet had a blow out on a back tire that started a fire that completely destroyed the bus. Here's the link to the story.

I suppose since we live on a bus we pay special attention to stories like this. We can just imagine the devastation. Please pray for these guys and pray for our safety as well. So many things can go wrong but God is our help and strength.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Weir, Kansas

It is hard to believe but we are back for our ninth year in a row at Faith Tabernacle Church in Weir, Kansas. When we left pastoring in Wichita in January 2003, Weir was our very first stop for revival. Pastor James Fellers and his congregation received us with open arms that year and have been welcoming us back every year. We love these folks and we love coming back each year for revival.

We had great services yesterday and we are believing God for great things the rest of the week. We usually get hit pretty hard with snow while we are here but we are good so far. It is cold but we may escape without much snow. Keep praying for us.

I have posted a few pictures below that Kelly Jo snapped with my phone after church last night at the restaurant.

Pastor and Sis. Fellers

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Smokin Odie's BBQ

Did you know Odie had opened her own BBQ joint? Neither did we but the church folks in Miami told us about this place so we knew we had to try it. Kelly Jo and I were out and about yesterday in Miami so we decided to stop in Smokin Odie's BBQ and eat.

One of the specials of the day was a rib meat sandwich and one side for $2.99. We both ordered it and it was delicious. We could have eaten for $6 if it weren't for Kelly Jo's soda and .... my second sandwich! Wow! Smokin Odie's BBQ is really Smokin.

If you live near Miami, Oklahoma or you are passing through on I-44 you need to check it out. (Sign says they are closed on TUESDAY) Tell them Odie Boggs sent you. They won't know what you are talking about and you won't get a discount but if enough people tell them it will be funny when we actually take Odie in. Lol

The building itself is nothing spectacular but the food sure was good. We definitely intend to go back give Mr Ottis Bailey (Odie) our business. With a name like Odie and food that delicious he deserves it.

We traveled to Weir, KS today and start revival tomorrow. God bless you all.


Friday, January 21, 2011

January Birthdays

In our family January is full of birthdays. I hope all of you had wonderful birthdays!! May God bless you with a great year!

January 3rd- Lucas Osborn
January 8th- Brooklynn Coffman
January 12th- Betty Morgan " Gran"
January 14th- Jeanna Morgan
January 16th- Davy "Dad" Love you, Daddy!
January 21st- Danny Morgan Jr. Happy 40th!!!

That wraps up the family birthdays. Many of our friends have had birthdays this month also, there are to many to name here! Happy Birthday to everyone!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Miami, Oklahoma Revival

We had some great services in Miami at Faith Pentecostal Church this week and we certainly enjoyed the fellowship as well.  These folks have taken us in and treated us so well and we appreciate it so very much.  We also had several visitors and that always helps to make revival special.  I only snapped a few pictures this week and I have posted them below.

We are working diligently to pull everything together for our new CD.  We have been writing, proofing, sending, correcting, proofing, correcting and sending the print package and I think we have it all in place.  The recording has been mastered and is on its way to duplication.  We will have more information in the next few days.

A winter storm has moved in overnight and it is beautiful but very slippery and cold outside.  We are staying inside as much as possible. In fact, Odie is staying under the covers most of the time which doesn't bother her at all!

God bless you all very much.


Pastor and Sis. Stephens

Little Jack in my hat

The Zerbles visiting from Neosho

Bro. Chisholm, Pastor Fellers, Jason Fellers

Sis. Davis' Coconut Cream Pie..Delicious!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Family Fun Times

I promise only one more post mentioning Christmas 2010. Christmas Sunday morning I was in church with most of my Boggs Family. When that rare occasion happens I like to get pics.

Wednesday night before Christmas I was in church with the Morgan crew. Once again I wanted pics.

1. Back row Victor Jonas Luke & Isaac
Front row Lauren Papaw Mamaw Odie & Deidre
2. Deidre Odie & Lauren
3. Papaw
4. Isaac
5. Hunter Papaw Odie Seth Kayla Morgan Gran Wade & Courtney
6. Courtney Odie Morgan & Kayla
7. Morgan Seth Kim & Wade
8. Odie & Kim


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Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas 2010 Recap

I know this post is long over due, please forgive me! Most of 2011 we have been in Louisiana and I did not have cell signal or wifi so that I could blog.

As I said before we had a great Christmas!!!! It was so good to be with our family! Christmas Eve we were with the Morgan side of the family. Christmas Day the Boggs family gathered at the Dodds fellowship hall. As always we enjoyed lots of food, laughter and fellowship at both Christmas gatherings!

Here is pictorial review of our Christmas.

Pictures 1-13 is Christmas Eve at the Morgans

Pictures 14-31 is Christmas Day with the Boggs
1.Kelly Jo & Odie
2. Uncle Danny-practicing is balancing act
3 Gran & Seth
4. Courtney Odie & Kayla
5.Kim Danny & Jeanna
6. Hunter
7. Kayla Odie & Gran–opening gifts
8.Hunter Jeanna & Danny–looking at Hunter’s Scrapbook 9.Odie
10.Kayla Jo & Odie
12 Seth–showing off his new Buzz
13.Odie & Papaaw
14.Lisa made each of us Boggs kids a stocking, she is so thoughtful and creative! Lisa is a cousin from the Isaacs side of the family, but she is an adopted Boggs.

A note of interest: The Boggs grandchildren in order are: Andrea, Deidre, Victor Isaac, Lauren Jonas and Lucas. If you take the first five initials it spells ADVIL. We jokingly say Mamaw and Papaw need an “ADVIL” to put up with Jonas and Luke. LOL

16.Papaw & Theresa
17. Brooklyn Odie & Jacqueline–It’s not a Boggs Christmas until the Coffman girl show up!
19.Dramatic Deidre
20. Mamaw Odie & Papaw 21.Mamaw Odie & Lisa.
22.Lauren Mamaw Odie & Deidre 23.Odie Lauren & Deidre–We love our “Baby Lauren.” Thanks, Theresa, for the pic!!!
24.Uncle Steve & Odie
25.Holly Karen Mamaw Kelly & Jay–Mamaw wanted a pic with he Daughter-n-Laws, Jay jumped in there with them.
26.Mamaw with her Daughter-n-Laws
27. Kelly Odie & Davy–It is rare we get a snapshot of our family. 28.Jonas & Lucas
29.Thersa & Odie–This pic was taken after a GREAT fall while trying to pose for a pic. It was SO FUNNY!!!!
30.Jay & Theresa
31.Tommy & Holly

Well, there you have Christmas 2010. I get emotional and sappy when I think of my family! I am truly blessed beyond measure! I love each of you so very much!!!!


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