
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Visit With The Morgans

Hello friends!!!!
Yes I am still alive in Ohio! Having a wonderful time with my family. Last week I spent 6 days with the Morgan crew in Hillsboro.

At Gran and Papaw's you have to sit in the right spot to even get a text through with Verizon. So that is why I was absent last week. Monday night I starting typing a Blog. Yesterday afternoon I had it almost completed when my fat fingers deleted the whole thing. I was not happy!!!!

Now back to Hillsboro, I am so very glad I got to stay with Gran and Papaw last week. I think this was my longest visit there. Usually on trips home I only get brief visits to Hillsboro so I cherish my extended visits. Thanks Gran and Papaw for a great week!!! I love you!

Our family always has something to laugh about. One of us usually does something crazy when we are together. I have couple new Papaw stories but I won't post them here. Just ask me to tell you next time I see you. LOL Papaw, Thanks for all the trips to Dairy Queen!

You all already know I LOVE my all my cousins. I had to wait 8 years before I ever had a first cousin the Morgan side. Courtney, Kayla, Hunter, Morgan, Wade and Seth are all 6 of the world's best cousins! I got to spend time with all of them. If you live near Hillsboro watch out Courtney now has her license. Courtney, I'm proud of you!!!!

August 3rd was Papaw's birthday. I was so glad to be there to join in the celebration. We just had pizza, cake, and ice cream. What could be better?

Now I am back in Waynesville. Its still HOT! I have some random Boggs shots I'll try to post soon.


Odie Boggs Visit Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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