
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kelly Jo Boggs

Over 31 years ago my Aunt Hulda Livingston would pick me up and take me to church with her in Harveysburg, Ohio. I loved to go to church with Aunt Hulda. One of the main reasons I loved to go was one of the "girls" that played piano at her church. Harveysburg had a whole gang of piano players and several of them were very young. There was a lot of talent in that church. In fact a number of those young ladies turned out to be great piano players.

However, only one of them caught my eye. She was blond haired, blue eyed, pretty as she could be and all of 10 years old. Keep in mind that I was only 11 myself. I found out she lived less than a mile away from me down over the hill in Corwin. So I would ride my bike to "town" and see her every chance I could. We would mostly play with all the other kids (she was painfully shy in those days) in Corwin but I loved to be near her.

Several years would pass before the twists and turns of life brought us together but 25 years ago today we stood in my parents living room with our families and closest friends and said "I do!" We had no idea what we were getting in to. We were two very messed up kids but God had mercy on us and here we are 25 years later by the grace of God.

Kelly Jo has stood by me through thick and thin and back to thick again. She is the most kind, warm loving person I've ever came across. She has a servants heart and is ready and willing to serve God by serving others. She has never ask for limelight and has never sought applause. She has never lived for her own selfish motives. She is always a giver and never a taker.

She is prettier than she was at 10 and prettier than she was 25 years ago. She has been an outstanding mother to our daughter, Odie and an excellent wife to me. She is known across this country as fun loving, God fearing, solid Christian woman.

Kelly Jo has been and still is the perfect preachers wife. She has followed me all over this country without flinching and to preach in other countries without one complaint.

She holds me together when my nerves would destroy me. She calms me when I would destroy myself.

She's my very best friend as well as my cook, housekeeper, navigator, travel companion, encourager, helper, buddy and lover. And she still plays a pretty mean piano! I guess there are some things that even 31-32 years can't change!

Kelly Jo, thank you for loving me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for pushing me. Thank you for your friendship. I am so sorry about your luck but it looks like you are stuck with me until death parts us!

Wow! 25 years today! What a life! What a blessing from God! I am blessed and highly favored of God and that's a fact!

Oh! And her birthday is July 3rd. So Happy Birthday too, Kelly Jo!



  1. Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!! You've reached the "Silver" one!! Wow! God is good!!
    Love you both so very much!!

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both. You are both a blessing and inspiration to me. I wish you were nearby, I'd grill you a steak dinner for your anniversary. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to eat it ourselves in your honor. We may just bake an anniversary cake and eat it too. I hope you enjoy it. God bless you, we love you, and we pray you have many, many more and that you come to Central City every one of those years. Happy Anniversary.

  3. Happy 25th Anniversary Bro. Davy and Sis. Kelly!!! 25 years is a good start. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you all.

  4. Wow..."25"YEARS!!! Love you both dearly!!! Happy Anniversary Davy & Kelly!!!
    Love ya,

  5. Happy Anniversary to both of you!! I love you much and Kelly, you look fabulous!!

  6. Happy Anniversary!Mine and Steven's anniversary is next friday... The big 5 year milestone!!!

  7. I tried to post a comment yesterday and thought it went through, but I see it didn't:( Hope you had a Happy Anniversary / a wonderful day of celebrating.. Love and appreciate you more than you know! See ya soon!


  8. Only thing missing here is a pix of you all 25 years ago! Love you. Karen

  9. Kishla Searcy & FamilyJune 29, 2011 at 5:25 PM

    Happy Anniversary to The Boggs !!!! We Love your family !!!


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