
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kelly Jo Meets the Gecko from Geico!

In our travels we sometimes have a chance to meet folks that some count as famous. It is not a super big deal but to meet or see someone famous is kind of cool now and then. Recently we ran across what could be the most famous character we have met to date. We met the one responsible for saving Americans millions of dollars on their car insurance, the one and only Gecko! He was quite busy so we didn't get to discuss the possibility of Geico sponsoring the BoggsMobile and plastering his cute little face on the side of it but Kelly Jo did get close enough for a picture and a quick hug! Wow! You never know what excitement you will find out here on the open road!



  1. That is hilarious!! Although getting that close to something so lizardy would be detrimental to my health. :)

  2. Nothing at all to fear, Ashlee, Mr Gecko was every bit a gentleman! Although I will try to keep your fear of lizards in mind the next time I see you! Lol

    Kelly Jo


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