Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dessert Cove Pics

Here are few shots I captured with my Canon last week. We had a great week with our friends at Desert Cove!

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Basil Metabolic Rate/Weight-loss Made Easy?

The Twinkie diet spurred some thought.  Kelly Jo found a website that is interesting.  You can click on the title of this post to find out more but this post pretty much sums it up.

Have you ever heard of BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)? Basically it tells you the number of calories you can eat each day to maintain your present weight. If you know your BMR then you can eat fewer calories and lose weight or eat more calories and gain weight.  The equation to find your BMR is below...

Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)

If you wish to lose weight then you must eat less than your BMR each day.  Each person burns calories at a different rate but according to the website if the average person eats 500 less calories than his/her BMR per day they will lose one pound per week.

Lets plug in some actual numbers.

We will use the average ordinary 350 lb man who exercises moderately for 10 minutes each day.

350 lbs. (Body Weight) x 15.  That equals 5250.

Add to that 10 minutes of moderate activity per day x 3.5.  That equals 35.

So 5250 + 35=5285

According to this the average ordinary 350 lb man who exercises moderately for 10 minutes each day needs to eat 5285 calories a day to maintain his weight!

So if he eats 500 less calories per day he can lose one pound a week.

A 350 lb man can eat 4785 calories a day and lose 52 pounds a year?

That's THREE TRIPLE Whoppers with CHEESE everyday and 1095 calories left over for vegetables like French Fries!

Go figure! Who knew it was so easy?


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Revival in Keller, Texas

We start revival today at Keller Holiness Church in Keller, Texas. The Pastor is Kenneth Rowe. Bro. Rowe took a chance on us when we started out evangelizing in 1990. Our first revival here was in October just a few days after Odie's 5th birthday. Praise God for Bro. Rowe and his precious wife and his compassionate church. They gave us our first revival in the state of Texas and are still having us after all these years.  Wow! They really are gracious people!

Bro. and Sis. Rowe have been very good friends to us down through the years.  He has made it a point to call  to check on us and encourage us every so often and it has proven to be a blessing many times.  Because he loves us, his people love us too and treat us so wonderful.  Their friendship has been a blessing to us as well.

We look forward to coming here every chance we get and always have good services.  We will keep you posted on all of the happenings because there is never a dull moment around here!
