
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pre-order Christmas CDs

UPDATE 4/30/13 9:30 PM
My Dad came through surgery fine this morning. His heart stayed strong and the surgeon was pleased. He is now resting in a room and hoping and praying for a good night sleep.

Thank you so much for praying. Please continue to pray that he has a full and speedy recovery.


Here is just a glimpse of Kelly Jo at work in the studio last week.

If all goes as planned we should have our new CD by August 1. Ben Isaacs and Mark Capps have a lot of work to do on the actual recording and we need to have pictures taken and finish (start) the liner notes. Barring any catastrophes we should have all of that tied up real neatly by mid June. The manufacture usually needs 4-6 weeks so that should work real well.

As I mentioned in this post, the working title is He Came - The Gospel of Christmas. We recorded a total of eight songs. Here is the song list but the order has not been finalized yet.

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - Instrumental

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
(Yes, "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" is on there twice. Once as and instrumental and once with vocals. There is a small story behind that and I may share it on the liner notes)

Until He Came

I Could Not Come To You

Three Faithful Heralds
(A medley of "We Three Kings," "O Come All Ye Faithful" and "Hark the Herald Angel Sing.")

Getting Ready For A Baby

Long Time Comin'

He Came To Me

There will also be a short Gospel sermon titled "He Came." 

The CDs will sell for $15 each and you can pre-order them with free shipping. If you order 10 or more we will discount them to $12 each and still ship them for free. We had several churches pre-order 10, 20, 30 or more of our last CD and it really helped with our upfront expenses and plus they received a discount too.

You can send pre-orders to the address below. All of them will need to be received by July 1. We will ship all of the pre-ordered CDs as soon as we receive the first shipment. As I said, we are planning to have them by August 1st.

We are excited about you hearing our Christmas themed CD. We hope it will be a blessing to you and your families.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Night Note From Odie

Note From Odie:

Mom and I spent some time with family in Hillsboro Friday evening. It was wonderful to see all of them for a few hours. I always have so much fun. If you wonder where my mother gets all her craziness from, wonder no more. She definitely gets it from the Morgans. It is one non-stop laugh with with all of them.

I always cherish spending time with my family. I hope to spend some more time with Mom's side of the family before we leave Ohio again. Dad is supposed to preach in Hillsboro Sunday morning and they should all be there.

I took a few pictures while there and I am posting them below.

My Papaw Eugene Boggs is finally having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) morning about 7:30. Please pray that all goes well and that he recovers quickly.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday 4/28/13

I was scheduled to preach at Dryden Rd. this morning and it was great to be home. We were at home church Thursday night too and we hope to make it a few more services before we vacate the state. This morning was great. Bro. Bennie taught Sunday school and it was tremendous. God spoke to me through the lesson and I appreciate that.

After church we went to Acapulco with Bro. Jeff and Sis. Debbie Roberts, their son Nathan and Sis. Phyllis Styles. It was good as usual and the fellowship was super. It was the first time that all of them had been to Acapulco and they said they liked it too. It is a good thing they liked it since I have bragged on it so much.

Tonight we were singing and preaching at Corwin. It was great to be there too. My parents and Kelly Jo's parents and some more of my family were in service with us. I told them that Pastor Acy Lamb invites me because I bring my own crowd!

After church we went to Frisch's for our first visit there since we have been home this time. I think half the churches in Warren county had folks in there. We saw all kinds of folks we knew in there. One couple that we knew from our youth was there. The last time we saw them was at another Frisch's five or six years ago! Lol.

We topped it all off with their famous Hot Fudge Cake. Wow, it was good. I have had very little desert since February 1st and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious! I ordered mine in a bowl and with extra hot fudge.

I hope you all had a great Sunday. God bless you all.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Life is Short

Life is Short. If you live to be 100, life is still short. In the light of eternity this life is so short.

In this picture I am probably about 13 years old. Winning a baseball game was probably the most important thing on my mind at the time. Me and my friends wondered why we could not play more games in a season. Why couldn't we play four or five times each week? What is the big deal? Let's play ball. Let's play two games every night.

The coach's, parents, umpires and everybody else involved had life to deal with and we just had baseball. We had not yet learned that there were more important things than baseball. It seemed like an eternity passed if we had to wait a week between games.

At that age I also spent an awful lot of time on the bank of the Little Miami River and along the spillway of Caesar Creek Lake. I had to do something to fill the eternity between games. Two of the guys in that picture were with me a whole bunch of that time. I guess fishing was pretty important to us too.

33 years have passed since that summer and time has flown by. There are days that the time elapsed seems more like 33 minutes instead of 33 years. A week is no longer an eternity. A week is a blink of an eye. A year does not drag on forever, it races by with a roar and a flash. Where did the time go?

As time moved along, the priorities of life changed too.

I can not remember the last time I played baseball or cared one little ounce about baseball. Spending the night sleeping on the ground as close to the fire as I dare, does not sound fun at all. Life has moved on and I have moved with it. And it moved so fast.

Last Saturday all the kids in the picture above were still riding the speeding train of life, as far as I know. Yesterday one of them was laid in the ground. I attended his viewing Thursday evening. His brother told me that he was talking one minute and that he was dead the next. He literally fell over dead.

Life is short and it does not take long to die. 13 years old and nothing to worry about but baseball and fishing. The next thing you know you are 46 years old and you are hanging on for dear life. Life is so full of things and stuff, joys and problems, family and friends, jobs and obligations, bills and payments and laughter and tears. You do not have time for anything else. How can we fit one more little thing in to our busy lives?

Who has time to think about next month, much less what follows that? Who has time to die? Nobody. Nobody has time to die. But since life is so short and so crowded we MUST take time to prepare to die.

That is one sure thing that is coming. It is appointed unto man once to die and after that, the judgement. Oh what a thought. Every man must die and then every man must face God. Every man must be prepared to die.

We can not save ourselves. We can not prepare ourselves. There is no one that is good enough for God. But God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten son to die in our place, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!

Believe on Jesus Christ.

Confess your sins.

Allow Him to radically and completely change your life.

Devote yourself to Him and to righteous living.

When this short life is over, you will be so glad you lived it for Christ.

Life is so short and eternity is long. I can live this short life for me and spend eternity separated from God. Or I can live this short life for Christ and spend eternity with God. 

I have made my decision and everyday I am renewing myself to that commitment. 

Have your made a decision about what to do with your short life?
